Use Cases

OTORIO'S RAM2 Continuous NERC-CIP Compliance

Digitization, expedited by rapidly transforming supply chains, exposes critical infrastructure and industrial organizations to an ever-growing number of cyber risks. Protecting complex multivendor, multi-generation ICS environments requires a comprehensive understanding of the operational technology (OT), security posture, and operational context.

Conducting compliance and governance assessments are now standards for critical infrastructure and industrial practitioners to ensure operational effectiveness and address the evolving threat landscape. Electric utilities are required to implement NERC CIP compliance programs to ensure the continuity of power supplies and the protection of community safety. However, as environments become more complex, manual assessments become a long, costly, and laborious effort.

RAM², OTORIO’s Risk Management Platform, supports your OT security and compliance journey. RAM² ensures continuous compliance and policy fulfillment with better efficiency and accuracy. It automates evidence collection and auditing, which allows teams to focus on what matters. Most importantly, it improves your operational resilience and reduces the risk of non-compliance with regulations and policies.


Expedite the Compliance Assessment Process

RAM² empowers security practitioners to conduct security posture and compliance assessments from a single asset to the entire operational network. It offers out-of-the-box compliance assessment capabilities and supports your compliance with NERC CIP and other industrial security standards such as NIST 800-82, IEC 62443, NIS2 and more. RAM² provides overall compliance scores, as well as detailed information on any deviation, and the required remediation instructions. The platform shortens the time and effort required to generate all the necessary assessment documentation.


How RAM² Assists with NERC CIP Requirements

Comprehensive visibility - Complete and accurate asset inventory and vulnerability assessment across your entire OT/ ICS environments (from site level down to level 0 assets). Accurate vulnerability management.

Out-of-the-box compliance - Quickly assess the security posture and compliance with industry security regulations and best practices. Automatically generate required documentation for compliance and security assessments.

Effective risk management - Impact-driven prioritization of the most critical risks with actionable prescriptive mitigation guidance tailored to the operational environment. Creating a common language between stakeholders for collaborative risk mitigation efforts.

The case study include a table that maps NERC CIP requirements to RAM² capabilities based on continuous monitoring of the network and RAM²’s ability to integrate with multiple security and industrial systems within the operational environment.